Thursday, January 31, 2013


Welcome to our new blog!  I'm excited to share homeschool thoughts, ideas, and mostly as much day-to-day Bradberry school "stuff" as we can.  I'm not usually extremely original with any ideas, as most of them come from really creative teachers/moms of families much larger than my own. (See the blog list) So, if you are following this thinking you'll learn a ton from me or something, you might be disappointed!  It'll be nice to just keep school memories somewhere, because I don't think I'll ever be good at organizing those things somewhere else!  I'm lucky to find the right math book for the right child in the actual place it is SUPPOSED to be!  Oh well, that is life with a right-brained mom of 6 kids!  I'm going to try not to feel guilty about not doing this all along.  This first blog post feels a bit strange, since I want to immediately say everything we've done over the last eleven years!  Not practical, though, since I've had 6 kids in those eleven years!  SO..... I'm going to start with TODAY!  Photos of today include my 3 year old practicing counting, and my 1 year old practicing, uhm... letters??  HA!  They keep busy while their older siblings are doing bigger kid stuff!

These are pictures of Isaac's first model airplane, done exclusively on his own!  I'll turn it over to him, and he can show & tell you about it!  

This is a "B-314 Dixie Clipper'' that I made in 2 days (one evening and the next afternoon). Dad helped me buy it on ebay.  Dad and I split the cost in half.  I was so excited about making it I didn't go outside to play!

Back to Mom!  Today I handed the kids their passports that I have prepared for them and we are stamping them as we head into the country of Mexico!  (In our imaginations, of course)  We have been studying North America and just finished up a unit on the good ol' U.S.A.  So, of course, now we need our passport for traveling elsewhere!                                       

Coloring the Mexican flag while I'm reading

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