All that being said, summer is a season that still involves school for us and it is definitely HERE! Wow, it has been HOT the last couple of days. During the hotter months, I try to let the kids take advantage of cooler mornings for their playtime outside. I sent the older boys out this morning after their chores and told them I would call them in one at a time for their individual school-time. I never know what type of boy I'm going to be calling in from their play!! HAHA! Today it was first a "Native American" that I called in to do his Singapore Math. Sounds so funny to put it that way!! Although I must admit that my knee-jerk reactive thought was to be annoyed with the mud-faced boy that I was bringing into my clean house, I quickly straightened up and realized that this was actually pretty inventive and genuinely awesome! Thus I bit back those thoughts and took these awesome pictures instead. Glad I chose the latter.... because these are really cute! These two guys are really special!!
Once I got Isaac situated doing his assignment, I called in the fierce and brave cowboy!
Celebrating the Difference,