Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Living is Learning...

The last couple of days have been challenging and school almost nonexistent.  Or... has it?  Living is made up of learning and learning is supposed to be what school is all about.  The kids had been coughing here and there, and Luke had actually been taking breathing treatments since last week.  The real roller coaster began on Monday.  Isaac had high blood sugars and high fever throughout the evening and night.  Luke began running fever the next day too.  My kids were pitiful!

Whitley's shift-work makes going to the doctor very challenging, but I am so thankful for some of the dearest friends and helpers.  Many offers for help and a house-call from our merciful & kind physician really helped!

Dr. Rakov explained to Isaac about what he was calling "horns" on his new model airplane. I had tried to correct him on his thinking, but what do I know?  He was convinced because of a picture he saw, and Dr. Rakov (who was a flight surgeon, by the way) knows tons about airplanes!  Visits between he and my kids are always educational in some way!  Many times, it is math related.  Oh... speaking of math...

The weather has been beautiful!  Here's a picture of Abigail doing her math in the only obvious place on a pretty day!

Learning has been mostly in a "caught more than taught" sort of way this week!  Life goes on...  

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